29 research outputs found

    On Improving Run-time Checking in Dynamic Languages

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    In order to detect incorrect program behaviors, a number of approaches have been proposed, which include a combination of language-level constructs (procedure-level annotations such as assertions/contracts, gradual types, etc.) and associated tools (such as static code analyzers and run-time verification frameworks). However, it is often the case that these constructs and tools are not used to their full extent in practice due to a number of limitations such as excessive run-time overhead and/or limited expressiveness. The issue is especially prominent in the context of dynamic languages without an underlying strong type system, such as Prolog. In our work we propose several practical solutions for minimizing the run-time overhead associated with assertion-based verification while keeping the correctness guarantees provided by run-time checks. We present the solutions in the context of the Ciao system, where a combination of an abstract interpretation-based static analyzer and run-time verification framework is available, although our proposals can be straightforwardly adapted to any other similar system

    Practical Run-time Checking via Unobtrusive Property Caching

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    The use of annotations, referred to as assertions or contracts, to describe program properties for which run-time tests are to be generated, has become frequent in dynamic programing languages. However, the frameworks proposed to support such run-time testing generally incur high time and/or space overheads over standard program execution. We present an approach for reducing this overhead that is based on the use of memoization to cache intermediate results of check evaluation, avoiding repeated checking of previously verified properties. Compared to approaches that reduce checking frequency, our proposal has the advantage of being exhaustive (i.e., all tests are checked at all points) while still being much more efficient than standard run-time checking. Compared to the limited previous work on memoization, it performs the task without requiring modifications to data structure representation or checking code. While the approach is general and system-independent, we present it for concreteness in the context of the Ciao run-time checking framework, which allows us to provide an operational semantics with checks and caching. We also report on a prototype implementation and provide some experimental results that support that using a relatively small cache leads to significant decreases in run-time checking overhead.Comment: 30 pages, 1 table, 170 figures; added appendix with plots; To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Proceedings of ICLP 201

    An Approach to Static Performance Guarantees for Programs with Run-time Checks

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    Instrumenting programs for performing run-time checking of properties, such as regular shapes, is a common and useful technique that helps programmers detect incorrect program behaviors. This is specially true in dynamic languages such as Prolog. However, such run-time checks inevitably introduce run-time overhead (in execution time, memory, energy, etc.). Several approaches have been proposed for reducing such overhead, such as eliminating the checks that can statically be proved to always succeed, and/or optimizing the way in which the (remaining) checks are performed. However, there are cases in which it is not possible to remove all checks statically (e.g., open libraries which must check their interfaces, complex properties, unknown code, etc.) and in which, even after optimizations, these remaining checks still may introduce an unacceptable level of overhead. It is thus important for programmers to be able to determine the additional cost due to the run-time checks and compare it to some notion of admissible cost. The common practice used for estimating run-time checking overhead is profiling, which is not exhaustive by nature. Instead, we propose a method that uses static analysis to estimate such overhead, with the advantage that the estimations are functions parameterized by input data sizes. Unlike profiling, this approach can provide guarantees for all possible execution traces, and allows assessing how the overhead grows as the size of the input grows. Our method also extends an existing assertion verification framework to express "admissible" overheads, and statically and automatically checks whether the instrumented program conforms with such specifications. Finally, we present an experimental evaluation of our approach that suggests that our method is feasible and promising.Comment: 15 pages, 3 tables; submitted to ICLP'18, accepted as technical communicatio

    Interactive Behavior-driven Development: a Low-code Perspective

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    Within behavior-driven development (BDD), different types of stakeholders collaborate in creating scenarios that specify application behavior. The current workflow for BDD expects non-technical stakeholders to use an integrated development environment (IDE) to write textual scenarios in the Gherkin language and verify application behavior using test passed/failed reports. Research to date shows that this approach leads non-technical stakeholders to perceive BDD as an overhead in addition to the testing. In this vision paper, we propose an alternative approach to specify and verify application behavior visually, interactively, and collaboratively within an IDE. Instead of writing textual scenarios, non-technical stakeholders compose, edit, and save scenarios by using tailored graphical interfaces that allow them to manipulate involved domain objects. Upon executing such interactively composed scenarios, all stakeholders verify the application behavior by inspecting domain-specific representations of run-time domain objects instead of a test run report. Such a low code approach to BDD has the potential to enable nontechnical stakeholders to engage more harmoniously in behavior specification and validation together with technical stakeholders within an IDE. There are two main contributions of this work: (i) we present an analysis of the features of 13 BDD tools, (ii) we describe a prototype implementation of our approach, and (iii) we outline our plan to conduct a large-scale developer survey to evaluate our approach to highlight the perceived benefits over the existing approach

    A Decade of Code Comment Quality Assessment: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Code comments are important artifacts in software systems and play a paramount role in many software engineering (SE) tasks related to maintenance and program comprehension. However, while it is widely accepted that high quality matters in code comments just as it matters in source code, assessing comment quality in practice is still an open problem. First and foremost, there is no unique definition of quality when it comes to evaluating code comments. The few existing studies on this topic rather focus on specific attributes of quality that can be easily quantified and measured. Existing techniques and corresponding tools may also focus on comments bound to a specific programming language, and may only deal with comments with specific scopes and clear goals (e.g., Javadoc comments at the method level, or in-body comments describing TODOs to be addressed). In this paper, we present a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of the last decade of research in SE to answer the following research questions: (i) What types of comments do researchers focus on when assessing comment quality? (ii) What quality attributes (QAs) do they consider? (iii) Which tools and techniques do they use to assess comment quality?, and (iv) How do they evaluate their studies on comment quality assessment in general? Our evaluation, based on the analysis of 2353 papers and the actual review of 47 relevant ones, shows that (i) most studies and techniques focus on comments in Java code, thus may not be generalizable to other languages, and (ii) the analyzed studies focus on four main QAs of a total of 21 QAs identified in the literature, with a clear predominance of checking consistency between comments and the code. We observe that researchers rely on manual assessment and specific heuristics rather than the automated assessment of the comment quality attributes

    A decade of code comment quality assessment : a systematic literature review

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    Code comments are important artifacts in software systems and play a paramount role in many software engineering (SE) tasks related to maintenance and program comprehension. However, while it is widely accepted that high quality matters in code comments just as it matters in source code, assessing comment quality in practice is still an open problem. First and foremost, there is no unique definition of quality when it comes to evaluating code comments. The few existing studies on this topic rather focus on specific attributes of quality that can be easily quantified and measured. Existing techniques and corresponding tools may also focus on comments bound to a specific programming language, and may only deal with comments with specific scopes and clear goals (e.g., Javadoc comments at the method level, or in-body comments describing TODOs to be addressed). In this paper, we present a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of the last decade of research in SE to answer the following research questions: (i) What types of comments do researchers focus on when assessing comment quality? (ii) What quality attributes (QAs) do they consider? (iii) Which tools and techniques do they use to assess comment quality?, and (iv) How do they evaluate their studies on comment quality assessment in general? Our evaluation, based on the analysis of 2353 papers and the actual review of 47 relevant ones, shows that (i) most studies and techniques focus on comments in Java code, thus may not be generalizable to other languages, and (ii) the analyzed studies focus on four main QAs of a total of 21 QAs identified in the literature, with a clear predominance of checking consistency between comments and the code. We observe that researchers rely on manual assessment and specific heuristics rather than the automated assessment of the comment quality attributes, with evaluations often involving surveys of students and the authors of the original studies but rarely professional developers

    Improving Run-time Checking in Dynamic Programming Languages

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    Detectar comportamientos incorrectos en los programas es una parte importante en el ciclo de desarrollo de software. Es una tarea compleja y tediosa, especialmente en el contexto de los lenguajes dinámicos. Se han propuesto numerosas técnicas que ayudan en el proceso, entre las cuales nos hemos centrado en el uso de construcciones a nivel de lenguaje para describir el comportamiento esperado del programa, y en las herramientas necesarias para comparar el comportamiento real del programa en contraposición con el esperado, como, por ejemplo, analizadores/verificadores estáticos de código y entornos de verificación en tiempo de ejecución. En la práctica, sin embargo, el alto coste durante la ejecución hace que el uso de estas herramientas sea poco viable, especialmente para propiedades complejas. Esto reduce el interés en hacer comprobaciones en tiempo de ejecución desde el punto de vista de los programadores y programadoras, quienes esporádicamente permitirán comprobaciones de condiciones muy sencillas pero tenderán a desactivarlas para propiedades complejas. Algunos trabajos optan por limitar la expresividad del lenguaje de aserciones para reducir este coste. Con esta motivación, el objetivo de esta tésis es doble: - primero, pretendemos mejorar la expresividad del lenguaje de aserciones para reflejar todas las características relacionadas con el lenguaje de programación, incluyendo, por ejemplo, construcciones de orden superior, haciéndolo de forma que el/la programador/ a pueda escribir especificaciones sin necesidad de aprender o programar para ello; - al mismo tiempo, nuestra meta es comprobar de forma eficiente dichas especificaciones, reduciendo el coste asociado en tiempo de ejecución en la medida de lo posible y sin comprometer las garantías de seguridad que proporcionan dichas comprobaciones. Esta tésis presenta varias mejoras para la comprobación de especificaciones en tiempo de ejecución entre las que se encuentran: - un mecanismo discreto de memorización de resultados intermedios de comprobación, de forma que pueden ser reutilizados en el proceso de comprobación en lugar de recalcularlos; - un técnica que combina comprobación en tiempo de compilación y en tiempo de ejecución, que usa las propiedades de esta última como información adicional en tiempo de compilación, lo que implica que más propiedades se puedan comprobar estáticamente, aligerando el trabajo en tiempo de ejecución; - y otra técnica para mejorar la inferencia de estructuras durante el análisis estático de programas, que aprovecha las reglas de visibilidad de términos del entorno modular subyacente, lo que permite simplificar las comprobaciones de propiedades del programa consiguiendo un sobrecoste constante en casos relevantes. Finalmente, para atacar el problema de la expresividad limitada de los lenguajes de especificaciones, esta tésis se enfoca en el caso concreto de aportar especificaciones detalladas para rutinas de orden superior. Las técnicas y herramientas estudiadas en esta tésis se presentan, por concreción, en el entorno de comprobación en tiempo de ejecución Ciao. No obstante, los resultados son generales e independientes del sistema, y creemos que pueden trasladarse de forma sencilla a otros lenguajes de programación declarativos. Además, dados los avances en verificación en gran parte de los lenguajes de programación, incluyendo los imperativos, mediante la traducción a cláusulas de Horn y probando propiedades a este nivel, y el hecho de que este enfoque está totalmente soportado en el sistema Ciao, argumentamos que nuestros resultados se pueden adaptar fácilmente a un espectro mucho mas amplio de lenguajes. ----------ABSTRACT---------- Detecting incorrect program behaviors is an important part of the software development life cycle. It is also a complex and tedious one, in which dynamic languages bring special challenges. A number of techniques have been proposed to aid in the process, among which we center our attention on the use of language-level constructs to describe expected program behavior, and of associated tools to compare actual program behavior against expectations, such as static code analyzers/ verifiers and run-time verification frameworks. In practice, however, the run-time overhead associated with these tools often remains impractically high, specially for non-trivial properties, or complex data structure tests. This reduces the attractiveness of run-time checking to programmers, who may allow sporadic checking of very simple conditions, but will tend to turn off run-time checking for more complex properties in favor of faster execution. Some approaches even opt for limiting the expressiveness of the assertion language in order to reduce the overhead. Our research objective in this thesis is twofold: - first, we aim to enhance the expressiveness of the assertion language to reflect all the features of the related programming language, including, e.g., higher-order constructs, and to do so in a way that allows the programmer to write precise program specifications while not imposing a learning or programming burden on them; - at the same time, our goal is to efficiently check specifications, mitigating the associated run-time overhead as much as possible without compromising the safety guarantees that the checks provide. With respect to checking specifications efficiently this dissertation presents several improvements for run-time specification checking, including: - a mechanism for unobtrusive caching of intermediate run-time checking results so that they can be re-used in the checking process instead of being re-evaluated, contributing to undesirable (and unnecessary) run-time overhead; - a technique of combining compile- and run-time checking in a way that uses the properties from the program specification as an additional information source during static specification checking, which results in more properties checked statically and fewer of them turned into run-time checks; - and another technique for improving term shape inference during static program analysis, exploiting term visibility rules of the underlying module system, which allows to simplify property checks in a program in a way that constant run-time overhead is achievable in relevant cases. Finally, to address the limited expressiveness of the specification languages, this dissertation targets the concrete case of providing detailed specifications for higher-order program routines. The techniques and tools discussed in this thesis are presented for concreteness in the context of the Ciao run-time checking framework. Nevertheless, these results are general and system-independent, and we believe they can be straightforwardly transferred to the contexts of other declarative languages. In addition, given the recent advances in verification of a wide class of programming languages, including imperative ones, by translation into Horn clauses and proving properties at this level, and the fact that this approach is fully supported in the Ciao system, we argue that our results can easily be adapted to a much broader spectrum of languages

    Improving Run-time Checking in Dynamic Programming Languages

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    Detectar comportamientos incorrectos en los programas es una parte importante en el ciclo de desarrollo de software. Es una tarea compleja y tediosa, especialmente en el contexto de los lenguajes dinámicos. Se han propuesto numerosas técnicas que ayudan en el proceso, entre las cuales nos hemos centrado en el uso de construcciones a nivel de lenguaje para describir el comportamiento esperado del programa, y en las herramientas necesarias para comparar el comportamiento real del programa en contraposición con el esperado, como, por ejemplo, analizadores/verificadores estáticos de código y entornos de verificación en tiempo de ejecución. En la práctica, sin embargo, el alto coste durante la ejecución hace que el uso de estas herramientas sea poco viable, especialmente para propiedades complejas. Esto reduce el interés en hacer comprobaciones en tiempo de ejecución desde el punto de vista de los programadores y programadoras, quienes esporádicamente permitirán comprobaciones de condiciones muy sencillas pero tenderán a desactivarlas para propiedades complejas. Algunos trabajos optan por limitar la expresividad del lenguaje de aserciones para reducir este coste. Con esta motivación, el objetivo de esta tésis es doble: - primero, pretendemos mejorar la expresividad del lenguaje de aserciones para reflejar todas las características relacionadas con el lenguaje de programación, incluyendo, por ejemplo, construcciones de orden superior, haciéndolo de forma que el/la programador/ a pueda escribir especificaciones sin necesidad de aprender o programar para ello; - al mismo tiempo, nuestra meta es comprobar de forma eficiente dichas especificaciones, reduciendo el coste asociado en tiempo de ejecución en la medida de lo posible y sin comprometer las garantías de seguridad que proporcionan dichas comprobaciones. Esta tésis presenta varias mejoras para la comprobación de especificaciones en tiempo de ejecución entre las que se encuentran: - un mecanismo discreto de memorización de resultados intermedios de comprobación, de forma que pueden ser reutilizados en el proceso de comprobación en lugar de recalcularlos; - un técnica que combina comprobación en tiempo de compilación y en tiempo de ejecución, que usa las propiedades de esta última como información adicional en tiempo de compilación, lo que implica que más propiedades se puedan comprobar estáticamente, aligerando el trabajo en tiempo de ejecución; - y otra técnica para mejorar la inferencia de estructuras durante el análisis estático de programas, que aprovecha las reglas de visibilidad de términos del entorno modular subyacente, lo que permite simplificar las comprobaciones de propiedades del programa consiguiendo un sobrecoste constante en casos relevantes. Finalmente, para atacar el problema de la expresividad limitada de los lenguajes de especificaciones, esta tésis se enfoca en el caso concreto de aportar especificaciones detalladas para rutinas de orden superior. Las técnicas y herramientas estudiadas en esta tésis se presentan, por concreción, en el entorno de comprobación en tiempo de ejecución Ciao. No obstante, los resultados son generales e independientes del sistema, y creemos que pueden trasladarse de forma sencilla a otros lenguajes de programación declarativos. Además, dados los avances en verificación en gran parte de los lenguajes de programación, incluyendo los imperativos, mediante la traducción a cláusulas de Horn y probando propiedades a este nivel, y el hecho de que este enfoque está totalmente soportado en el sistema Ciao, argumentamos que nuestros resultados se pueden adaptar fácilmente a un espectro mucho mas amplio de lenguajes. ----------ABSTRACT---------- Detecting incorrect program behaviors is an important part of the software development life cycle. It is also a complex and tedious one, in which dynamic languages bring special challenges. A number of techniques have been proposed to aid in the process, among which we center our attention on the use of language-level constructs to describe expected program behavior, and of associated tools to compare actual program behavior against expectations, such as static code analyzers/ verifiers and run-time verification frameworks. In practice, however, the run-time overhead associated with these tools often remains impractically high, specially for non-trivial properties, or complex data structure tests. This reduces the attractiveness of run-time checking to programmers, who may allow sporadic checking of very simple conditions, but will tend to turn off run-time checking for more complex properties in favor of faster execution. Some approaches even opt for limiting the expressiveness of the assertion language in order to reduce the overhead. Our research objective in this thesis is twofold: - first, we aim to enhance the expressiveness of the assertion language to reflect all the features of the related programming language, including, e.g., higher-order constructs, and to do so in a way that allows the programmer to write precise program specifications while not imposing a learning or programming burden on them; - at the same time, our goal is to efficiently check specifications, mitigating the associated run-time overhead as much as possible without compromising the safety guarantees that the checks provide. With respect to checking specifications efficiently this dissertation presents several improvements for run-time specification checking, including: - a mechanism for unobtrusive caching of intermediate run-time checking results so that they can be re-used in the checking process instead of being re-evaluated, contributing to undesirable (and unnecessary) run-time overhead; - a technique of combining compile- and run-time checking in a way that uses the properties from the program specification as an additional information source during static specification checking, which results in more properties checked statically and fewer of them turned into run-time checks; - and another technique for improving term shape inference during static program analysis, exploiting term visibility rules of the underlying module system, which allows to simplify property checks in a program in a way that constant run-time overhead is achievable in relevant cases. Finally, to address the limited expressiveness of the specification languages, this dissertation targets the concrete case of providing detailed specifications for higher-order program routines. The techniques and tools discussed in this thesis are presented for concreteness in the context of the Ciao run-time checking framework. Nevertheless, these results are general and system-independent, and we believe they can be straightforwardly transferred to the contexts of other declarative languages. In addition, given the recent advances in verification of a wide class of programming languages, including imperative ones, by translation into Horn clauses and proving properties at this level, and the fact that this approach is fully supported in the Ciao system, we argue that our results can easily be adapted to a much broader spectrum of languages